Titolo: “Needles I” , 2014
Misure: cm 104 x 137 (53 x 80 cm each print)
Tecnica: Stampa alla gelatina d'argento
Needles series is composed by 80 b&w photographs produced in 35mm negatives.
Quotidian matter presented here proposes imaginary possibilities that go beyond its ordinary function.
This series comprises a preliminary research of objects that are appreciated, often related to positive feelings and affective memories that I associate to the beautiful, tasty, fragrant, and to comfort. Starting point is: “I like that…”. Followed by a physical intervention that fights this emotional value, raising doubts over the initial premisse of object esteem. Discomfort arises from the interaction with other decontextualised albeit equally banal object, that seems to have a life in its own.
In an attempt to question our expectations regarding the nature of objects, Agulhas project presents non documental photographs of improbable settings where needles and pins approach softer matter in a delicate and intimate way. It depicts odd relationships on my inanimate world.