6 pigment prints on Hahnemühle cotton rag, framed, museum glass | Each 121cm x 40cm, or 61 x 20cm | Edition of 6 + 2 AP in both sizes
10000.00 €
Material: Paper
Landscapes created out of the cultural material I have—and can afford—access to.Data Rock (Take Me Somewhere Nice) is a series of... Read More
Landscapes created out of the cultural material I have—and can afford—access to.
Data Rock (Take Me Somewhere Nice) is a series of abstract landscapes created by sequentially copying the colour of every pixel in six 100px x 100px images and pasting it successively to create entirely new images from the sampled pixels. Interestingly, each sampled pixel is already a sample of an original image. However, as numerous theorists have pointed out, the fictions of original and copy are so entwined that it is impossible to say where one begins and the other ends. Pixels interest me because they are the smallest controllable element of a picture. Moreover, the aesthetics of copy and paste—which is nothing more than the transfer of data—is, to me, the epitome of the transformative philosophy of sampling, and is the perfect response to the bombardment of media imagery. I believe that everyone should be able to create art, and thus meaning, out of the cultural materials of the everyday.
Data Rock (Take Me Somewhere Nice) 2016 6 pigment prints on Hahnemühle cotton rag, framed, museum glass Each 121cm x 40cm, or 61 x 20cm Edition of 6 + 2 AP in both sizes https://www.kailumgraves.com/data-rock-take-me-somewhere-nice/