I made the series Cultural Landscapes with scanned or downloaded images from European paintings of landscape, digitally joined with my own photographs of Latin-American sights (Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Mexico, Peru)
My production has landscape as its central element as well as beauty and the intersections between the natural and the created; questioning that even what we consider natural is actually the result of a figment of culture. Through collage and photography, I show how the same territory can be shaped up to convey a different landscape to each new viewer.
My work goes deeper into the fact that representation makes the existence of landscape possible. Representation is a way to make the object real and show it to us. It is the moment the artists starts painting their surroundings on their canvases when the territory becomes landscape. The observation of the artist is a possibility, one look at the world.
Our observation is conditioned by the multiplicity of ways in which landscape has been represented along the history of art; therefore we do not observe our surroundings in a static, unique and truthful way, but as a plastic production. The way in which environment is represented is the shape the world takes up.