The majority of our industialized world try tirelessly to organize things and more often now people too in a structural and well defined managed forms to look after optimization, profit, growth in the name of the productivity, making our lives harder, heavier and finally more boring.
Observing more precisely our natural environnement, it looks like the nature and the organic world think differently. In fact nature not try but get success in reducing non added value objects or fake structures. Most of plants, leaves, trees etc use a FRACTAL structure which reduce as maximum as possible the use of material optimizing then the captation of CO2 to perform better photosynthesis. In conclusion, doing more with less.
My photo represents a fractal done with boiling chicken broth in my kitchen. Just to observe than this common and unsignifiant broth organizes its bubbles in a fractal shape. Just like that.
What i want to tell and denounce about this picture is that common, secondary, indicible, stupid objects or things in our lives are more interesting than a huge majority of what we could fine on the net. It remains to everyone to step back and take a look closer and closer to see maybe another reality, another meaning or truth.
I wanted also to work my photographic like a painting to see painting touches.