‘Wax me Apart’ is a performance installation where
sculpture and movement merged together. A human body is fully covered in wax, as it moves the wax falls off, revealing the body in the here and now.
On the one hand, it is a research on
the human motion in relation to an external substance(wax), a way to physically
distant the human body from an identity in order to embrace ‘being’ in its
purest form.
On the other hand, it is a query on the symbolic charge of each
matter. What could it possibly mean when the timelessness of sculpture and the
transience of performance art come together?
The main element of this
performance installation is the value of presence. How an immobile body conquers the space solely with
its presence, with this between nothing and something; and how the
presence of the audience acquires a subtle dynamic relation with the
installation itself.
Wax me Apart performed at: Moving Futures Festival - Tilburg, Seasoning – United
C and Prejavu XL 2019 - De Nieuwe Vorst.