“Teddy” is a urban space intervention and adapted to specific and characteristic places of the city or building One of the... Read More
“Teddy” is a urban space intervention and adapted to specific and characteristic places of the city or building
One of the most important topics of this dance performance is the migration. Teddy walk crossing the city conecting the city trough three different points:
The bed: This is the starting point. The bed is a heap of more then 150 teddies where the principal performer is laying. The bed will be situated if possible at the entrance of the Arsenale. Walking trough the Arsenale to point 2.
The mountain: will be positioned in a covered place, inside of the building. The mountain is a heap of 250 -300 moving boxes to symbolize materialistic way of life. The performer will collapse again the mountain and transform the mountain in a cemetery with the help of the audience.The migration as a walk in between the three points in urban space will be performed in a nonverbal way.
The grave: situated in another strategical point the same bed transform in to a grave complemented with a heap of over 300 shopping bags over the teddies and where the performer is hidden..
Please note that this is a small version of the normally 3 hours performance adapted for the ARTE Laguna Prize with a duration of 10 minutes. If it’s possible to extend it to 15 minutes would be great but I respect the terms and conditions of the competition.