FINJA SANDER - Performance 14 (C/O museum of photography, Berlin Germany)
This work was originally shown for the first time in summer, 2017. Before I invented this performance, I build the wooden box for a video-installation. After working with this box over and over again, it became an important and central object within my art-practice. I reused it for several works. In summer 2017, I finally used it for the first time, as a habitat for my body. It was something like an intervention. I filled it up with black soil and placed myself for at least over 8 hours, while being in kind of embryonic position. It was very fascinating, how I perceived my surrounding and the audiences, who had to come really close to the box and my body, to recipe the whole picture. The video documentation is about the reenactment of the original performance, shown in the photo museum C/O at Berlin, Germany.