direction and choreography: Nicola Galli
Elena Massari
Andrea Mosca
stereopsis / TIR Danza
collaboration with: Festival Aperto / Fondazione I Teatri di Reggio Emilia
residences: Kilowatt Festival, AMAT & Civitanova Danza nell’ambito di
Civitanova Casa della Danza, CSC Garage Nardini Bassano del Grappa,
C.L.A.P.Spettacolodalvivo Circuito Lombardia Arti Pluridisciplinari Spettacolo
dal Vivo
length: 30
developed with the support of ResiDance XL – luoghi e progetti di residenza per
creazioni coreografiche, azione della Rete Anticorpi XL – Network Giovane Danza
D'autore coordinated by L'arboreto - Teatro Dimora of Mondaino
with the
support of Fondo per la Danza D'autore/Regione Emilia-Romagna 2015/2016
MARS is the
third episode of Nicola Galli's choreographic research focused on the solar
Mars is the fourth planet far from
the Sun and the most similar to the Earth, with an incline of its rotation axis
and a day period analogous to the terrestrial one. The Red Planet, rich in iron
oxide, presents a morphology similar to the Earth: the Martian surface is
characterized by valleys, volcanoes, deserts and protected by a minimal
atmosphere with low temperatures on average (-140°C / +20°C).
Starting from this imaginary the
scene becomes a laboratory in which the performer prepares an
"infrared" and "ultraviolet" territory for the action and
enunciates the morphology of the planet through a series of simulations. Geometric
lights and sidereal sounds alternate themselves, composing a strange and artificially
heated space in which the body alone, reveals itself, colonizes and then
MARS in a
long visual wave, presents the most likely destination for the future development
of humanity.
L'opera verrà riadattata ad una versione di 10 minuti.