I became aware of the importance of coverbal gestures when I learned about the existence of NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) especially when I lost, for a time, the use of speech. When we speak, our gestures say as much as our words. Both with the same meaning expressed through different forms. It’s important for the politicians to carefully study every word spoken as well as the gestures they use to support them. I created both forms of a discourse into one symbol of the speech.
It started with a simple idea : What if we put brushes on the fingertips of politicians' speeches? I experienced political discourses as masterpieces of their own and redefined them into a portrait of the speech.
To realise this project I invented my own tool “Le gant pinceau” – “The brush glove” and my own rules: the shape of the created painting will be a square at the size of the politician like the proportions of the Vitruvian Man. Martin Luther King's speech canvas is 169 cm x 169 cm in size where the created painting follows the measures of each politician. The colours I’ve chosen for my artworks are in relation with the man’s persona, his political discourse and his ideas. For Martin Luther King’s speech I chose black gloss over black matt colour on the background canvas representing the defender of civil rights.
Performed discourse: Martin Luther King ; the Man of Peace.