A signed frame (4/100) by the artists of the video performance Human Installation I : Gender Obsolescence
Special selection performance art of the International Art Prize Laguna in Venice ( Italy, 2009)
Among the Best Gender Exploration Performance Art in the world , Idkex (Columbus, OHIO, 2009)
Best Film of the section dedicated to Pasolini of the Arcipelago Film Festival (Rome, Italy, 2015)§
Selected for ASFF BAFTA recognized Qualifying Film Festival (Oscar in UK) (UK, 2016)
Online vote Winner Celeste Prize International, Invisible Dog Art Gallery (New York, USA, 2010)Concept:
The solemn ritual presents variety of genders and describes FtM (Female to Male) transition.
The naked body and the I. The mask and the stereotype.
It’s a gynandroid performance where the transition process is intermingled with poetry.Sex is represented as skin, female, male. Gender is represented in the sense of self, of man, and of woman. A journey, a crossing, a transition. Naked bodies lined up slowly coming closer. Each individual has a story. They are holding hands. Changing sex is painful like birth. The golden masks on their faces are not to hide their identities: In fact as they come closer it is possible to distinguish their genders: a biological man, a trans man, a trans woman, a biological woman. From the bottom of the stage, a female creature unfolds from behind a black towel and goes to stand behind them: she walks across touching the bodies, one after the other. The pain is tiring, the flesh a substance to be shaped. The solemn rite of dressing up - in trousers, jacket and tie: it's the return to the opposite. For a transsexual changing sex is not becoming a man but a return to being a man. There is no need to wear the masks anymore: the self is revealed.