wheel of Fortune, dreaming Rose.. Time is out of essence.
words petrified in the throat, but in real the poetry of this moment
floods the whole space inside and outside…
story started like this and the following paintings are connected in
one narrative. The
line between the reality and imagined things is so thin. And possible
the things that we think are imagined are more real. Human being is
so interesting and never-ending gnostic process.
does two very important things - it says and shows. The sign
illuminates the object based on many interpretations, and the
semiotic power of the sign is the only means that allows us to truly
orient ourselves in this complex world. In creation, when language
breaks and silence takes place, a language system - other than
silence, takes root, which expresses what is often slipped through
the eyes in the language of words.
So because of this my creation has so many layers, different matrixes
what are possible to discover when you see and analyse.