I counted them afterwards. 637 figurative objects that conquered the canvas.
The WE - picture is something very special for me. The result seems almost arranged, thus more accessible to the viewer and therefore seems almost contrary to my other works. And yet the process is analogous to my intuitive painting and transports the postulated cry for interpretation.
Here the energetic essence of the theme of people and society finds its expression. The different relationships to each other, the various conflicts with each other, the attraction and interest to the other - in the large as in the smaller WE.
It asks questions: What is the WE? Who are WE? And how do WE relate to each other?
The result is as complex as society itself. Look closely: There are entities and clearly recognizable things like women, men, athletes, craftsmen or bankers. These are WE!
Even more interesting, however, was the abundance and multifaceted nature of the reactions that followed the picture. Someone gave the attribute "colorful" to the picture, although it was obviously created with only one color. It attracts attention and motivates the opening of one's own interpretive space.
My spirit of research and my desire to experience a great response were awakened.
And that's how this project turned out: To ask people from different countries what they see in it, and then to compile these different, sometimes polarizing views."
And what is the WE for you?
Voices from the world and through many cultures:
Germany, Portugal, Slovenia, Shanghai, USA, South Africa, Fuerteventura,
- like a lot of lemmings
- when you die and a place between
- lot of people in the limbo
- transience
- confusion
- war
- optimistic and cheerful
- commonality
- dancing together
- colorful
- try and arrow (not error)
- Individuality in uniformity
- the two poles
- together but separate
- In boxes
- confusion
- where is Charlie
- primitive style
- cave painting
- disorder
- stress
- the society with his own history
- migration
- lose your mind together and gain another
- a prozession
- very democratic
- although black white; colored out of itself
- organisation
- varianz
- abstraction
- human shadows
- curious, forced to zoom in closer
- I, you, he, she, it, are
- adam and eva and their successors
- march
- brut fair some years ago
- shock
- easy to like
- a discovery every time you look at it
- magician, mythical creature
- community
- ceremony
- sacred, death mask, ramses XI, egypt
- evaporate to paradise
I have tried to filter out the essence from many notes I wrote - in short sentences and words.
My consolidation/analysis of the manifold answers will not take place here, because it would limit/influence the interpretation freedom of the viewers. However, my analysis already shows the diversity of seeing.
It stimulates discussion and is already being used in one school as a basis for social studies on the subject of the
"We" (German: WIR)