This painting is associated with the following poem:"Vaisseau Mère est le nom du Losange duquel je descendlieu du nœud de l'embryon... Read More
This painting is associated with the following poem:
"Vaisseau Mère est le nom du Losange duquel je descend
lieu du nœud de l'embryon de la plaie de la stase des Grands Voyages des traversées"
The figure of the lozenge or diamond shape is redundent in my work. I consider it especially communicative and strong. It holds aerodynamic characteristics and vibrant presence, like both a wound and a spaceship. The analogy between Mother ship and Embryo Vessel suggested in the title is a common association in Science Fiction novels.
Here the lozenge shape is cut into washi paper and attached to a bronze solded iron structure which is sewed to the canvas.