Objects, clothes and things that belonged to different people who no longer use or throw away assembled with glues.
2500.00 €
Material: Objects, clothes and things that belonged to different people who no longer use or throw away
Objects, clothes and things that belonged to different people who no longer use or throw away forming anthropomorphic figures who... Read More
clothes and things that belonged to different people who no longer use
or throw away forming anthropomorphic figures who live by the lack of
the bodies that inhabited them, and in some cases, become real
portraits. Oggetti, vestiti e cose che appartenevano a
persone diverse che non usano più o buttano via formando figure
antropomorfe che vivono della mancanza dei corpi che li hanno abitati, e
in alcuni casi, diventano veri ritratti.
think they can participate in the Painting category, although they are
three-dimensional shapes, the construction method and concept, the
shapes and colors are designed for a frontal look. Ritengo
possano partecipare nella categoria Pittura, sebbene siano forme
tridimensionali, il metodo e concetto costruttivo, le forme e i colori
sono pensati per uno sguardo frontale.