Is it possible to reconcile the search for serenity with the effort to have an
effective life in society? Is the compulsion for tension a reflection of the power to
The prevailing chaos is decisive in Feza Güvenal’s plasticity. She ponders on our
habitats and propose an alternative escape space, an individual topography.
When giving character to color, she emphasizes a fierce power of resistance and
the energy to start anew.
On her canvas, due to the variability of the subconscious imposition of time,
memory, form and shape, expression is not in a fixed state; but psychic surfaces
appear, sometimes serene, sometimes dark, and sometimes where the color
wanders between muted grays. Tranquil areas and intensely painted areas seek
a visual effect in dialogue. When this visual electricity gains its existence, it
questions the present state of expressionism, the highest form of hope in art.
Guvenal lives and works in Istanbul and New York.