In my work Triad I have dealt with femininity and trinity. The work is reminiscent of Greek mythology and female spirituality. The portrait combines the experiences and processes of the 3 stages of development, youth, adulthood and old age. Trifold means everyone is one. This 3 division is the basis of old knowledge and many religions. Trinity is one of the basic teachings of the Christian religion. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. In geomancy, the mystical knowledge of the earth and its places of power, people like to speak of the three goddesses, the white goddess, the red goddess and the black goddess. The white goddess corresponds in the life of the woman to the age of the girl and the virgin, the red goddess of the mature woman and mother, the black goddess of the wise old. In Greek mythology, the white goddess is Artemis, the red is Aphrodite, the black is Serene. In Christian iconography, the Virgin Mary corresponds to the white goddess, the mother Mary to the red goddess, and Pieta (the grieving Mary) to the black goddess. Ultimately, you can find these three goddesses everywhere.