The united work between photographer Marco and painter Judith began long before the pandemic. The dialogue depicted in this work shows a woman, the corporeal position in the nonverbal language unveil a state of desolation. The beautiful displays of gray gradient photograph in a contrast of light and dark attracts attention, the endless darkness catches your eye, and there is a sense of silence, which is disturbed only by the sound of the butterfly wings fluttering in a sequence escaping from the room, and the adjacent outbursts of the metamorphosis of a butterfly.”
The composition of the photography-painting is associated with the anxious dreams of Gregor Samsa he was waking up from anxious dreams, he discovered that in bed he had been changed into a monstrous verminous bug; Gregorio, Kafka's character in his novel Metamorphosis.
In the case of this artwork, the feeling of overcoming difficult moments is refreshing.