The Vessels of Life (Oil on Canvas, circa 2022)
Inspired by the blood vessels; arteries carry blood away from your heart, and veins carry blood back toward your heart. The capillaries, are the smallest blood vessels that connect arteries and veins.
In the process delivering oxygen and removing waste products, a transport system within us.
Similarly, as the process of cleansing, purifying, delivering oxygen and nutrients occurs physically within us.
Like so, spiritually and with mindfulness we also require delivery within our hearts and minds of ethical values, and cleansing of all those waste products; inertia, procrastination, judgement and so on..that pollute our minds and soul.
This also connects us to the earth as being part of wider ecosystem where we we get rid of pollution and nourish the plants and wildlife that our planet requires to thrive. Similarly with the oceans too, perhaps we as humans can become the blood vessels of the environment.
Blood vessels contain constant movement, like ourselves we are constantly moving and struggling within ourselves, as well as the planet to be cleansed and nourished.. This is the meaning behind this painting titled 'The Vessels of Life'