I got my inspiration for these paintings mainly from pictures of different time periods, observing my environment and inventing situations by myself. But the basic idea came, when I looked at the faces of people on pictures, puzzling about what they might think and feel at the moment were the image was taken. Every picture has a hidden truth in itself. Cause it's just a moment in time and can never capture everything. I guess everybody knows, how it feels to look at old pictures of one's childhood, laughing over it or being disturbed by it, because of the difference between one's own memory and the so called picture-“reality”. But this is mainly inflicted by studying the faces and the moods which we seem to reflect in that very moment.
I wanted to disconnect this with leaving an empty space at the face and showing only the silhouette of the body. Can we still guess the mood of this person and the situation ? Is it more difficult to recognise it? Or is it easier, because there's more space to pour one's emotions and imagination into it?
I reduce everything to the most necessary in these figurative paintings. Also in giving the figures a transparent-like, incomplete appearance, I want to show the fleetingness of the moments we experience, of our memories, our emotions and of our existence. Putting these persons into a surrounding, which almost is no surrounding, just more or less an empty space, gives them a dreamlike, surreal and theatrical presence.
There is no reference point except the imagination of the spectator himself.