Fever dream :
This is an intense dream while you are sick,
usually very vivid due to elevated body temperature.
Often these dreams are quite disturbing and unpleasant.
The year 2020 was turned into a fever dream on 26 March.
With no idea what to expect, the country and its people were held captive by uncertainty, disappointment and restrictions.
Responding to this dream was about courage, survival and kindness.
KOORSDROOM, consists of twelve small canvases,
each a month of the year.
Installed together either is a straight, continuous line
or configurations of twelve, combined, these canvases
represent the year 2020.
At first glance your impression is one of calmness and tranquility.
This is due to the use of mostly blues and purples.
There is a subliminal message in the colour choice..... being battered, (“pimpel en pers”).
Upon closer observation, one can perceive the frustration, mayhem and confinement. The word, koorsdroom, is scribbled graffiti* like across the months March to December.
*“Graffiti, form of visual communication, usually illegal, involving the unauthorized marking of public space by an individual or group. Although the common image of graffiti is a stylistic symbol or phrase spray-painted on a wall by a member of a street gang, some graffiti is not gang-related. Graffiti can be understood as antisocial behaviour performed in order to gain attention or as a form of thrill seeking, but it also can be understood as an expressive art form.” Britannica
In each canvas there is a small crack revealing the name of the month.
This contributes to the feeling of: all not being well and things falling through the cracks.
As a beacon of hope the name of each month is repeated on the side of the canvas in a luminous turquoise.
On each canvas, a simple, childlike calendar, counting the days of the week and the weeks of the month, adds to the feeling of being incarcerated.
This was the year twenty/twenty.
- ‘n koorsdroom -