The lower part of the canvas, a 25cm strip, is a solid base painted in shades of sienna and hazel. These warm, earthy tones blend gently, creating a rich and layered surface to welcome the fresh and vibrant contrast of an azure and orange glacier. The palette knife technique imparts a three-dimensional and dynamic texture.
The upper part of the canvas is dominated by an immense sky of intense blue, animated by swirls of gray and white, created with fingers, which generate a visual effect of movement and depth. I have thus traced sinuous and soft paths for a sky that is alive and constantly changing.
With some crash, a large curved arrow plunges into the calm azure sea, creating an element of surprise on the water's surface. The sea, depicted in the lower part of the sky, is a deep and calm azure. Its tranquility contrasts with the dynamic energy of the arrow plunging into it. The splash created in the sea adds an element of surprise and movement, breaking the stillness of the water's surface.