Title: "Speak no evil"
no evil, Be no evil, Speak no evil" is a triptych that illustrates the
plight of African women trapped in situations of abuse and gender-based
violence. Globally, one in three women experience gender based violence, with
the African statistics being even higher. The situation is particularly dire
for women and girls with disabilities. At least 40% and as many as 68% of girls
with disabilities will have experienced sexual violence by the time they turn
18. Although recent progress has been made in finally opening up about the continent’s
legacy of patriarchal oppression, it remains a problem that is largely and
wilfully hidden from view.
artist believes that women can be self-empowered to bring about change, by
tackling the insidious problem of harmful patriarchal gender stereotypes at the
family level. If women are allowed to imbue their children with an affirming
and contemporary view of women as being truly equal, it will bring about
positive and permanent change at the most fundamental level.