Expografia À frente do portal, encontra-se uma árvore de características singulares, conhecida como a "Árvore Barriguda". Sua forma peculiar, com galhos... Read More
À frente do portal, encontra-se uma árvore de características singulares, conhecida como a "Árvore Barriguda". Sua forma peculiar, com galhos retorcidos e uma estrutura que lembra uma barriga proeminente, cria um contraste interessante com o portal lunar. A árvore é retratada em tons de marrom, proporcionando um equilíbrio cromático com o portal.
O douramento presente em detalhes estratégicos na pintura agrega um toque de luxo e sofisticação à obra. O uso desse tom brilhante cria pontos de destaque e atrai o olhar do espectador para determinadas áreas da composição, acrescentando um elemento de mistério e encanto.
The work of art entitled "Portal of the Moon in the Shadow of the Belly Tree" is an intriguing visual representation that makes use of acrylic paint, with a predominance of brown and green colors and a black background, as well as golden details.
The left side image of the work depicts a mysterious portal, whose shape resembles a full moon. Its surface has a textured appearance, providing depth and a three-dimensional appearance.
In front of the portal, there is a tree with unique characteristics, known as the "Belly Tree". Its peculiar shape, with twisted branches and a structure that resembles a prominent belly, creates an interesting contrast with the lunar portal. The tree is portrayed in shades of brown, providing a chromatic balance with the portal.
The black background chosen for the work brings an atmosphere of mystery and highlights the striking shapes of the portal and the tree, creating a dramatic contrast. The color black also symbolizes the unknown and the hidden, intensifying the feeling that the portal and the tree have a special meaning.
The gilding present in strategic details in the painting adds a touch of luxury and sophistication to the work. The use of this bright tone creates highlights and draws the viewer's eye to certain areas of the composition, adding an element of mystery and charm.
"Portal da Lua na Sombra da Árvore Barriguda" is an expography that invites the observer to dive into an enigmatic universe, where the moon and a peculiar tree come together in an intrinsic scenario of intersections between the real and the imaginary. It is a work that raises reflections on the existence of other worlds and dimensions, encouraging the viewer to explore the unknown and contemplate the beauty of the inexplicable.