"Points of view" is born from the idea of perfection of the square form and spreads it in all dimensions... Read More
"Points of view" is born from the idea of
perfection of the square form and spreads it in all dimensions of the space.
The process starts from the juxtaposition of rectangular canvases that form a
square with a centripetal and enigmatic void in the center. An intermediate
panel of sanguine concretions with organic turgor, tingling with Dionysian
energy, establishes a continuity between the pictorial spaces - joint but
distinct - generating unprecedented formal configurations. The rectangle
becomes square; the square becomes a window on the beyond, on infinity. The
chromatic conflict generates new harmony, between red, which is blood,
vitality, passion and eros, and silver, which evokes peace, rationality and
The work aims to rethink the boundaries among forms. To suggest a possible
synthesis among the primal forces that act in the being and on the human being.
To open a gap between different dimensions and emotional states.
"Points of view" urges an active and open fruition where the viewer,
oscillating between one point of view and another, is invited to take up the
challenge of the undecidable, which, perhaps, represents the most pregnant value
of this visual experience.