Old Funny Money" is a thought-provoking artwork by eco-artist Ana Violeta Horta, painted using a palette of lapis lazuli, yellow ochre, blue, and violet ochre. This piece delves into the concept of 'funny money' as it is perceived in her hometown of Tijuana, exploring the quirky and often dubious nature of old, established wealth in the Mexico and California border since the prohibition era of the United States.
The artwork employs these vibrant colors in a layered, textured style that mimics the feel of aged currency, with each hue contributing to a narrative of opulence and decay. Lapis lazuli, traditionally a symbol of royalty and honor, ironically underscores the dubious origins and questionable legitimacy of this 'old money.' The yellow and violet ochres add depth and
complexity, suggesting the fading glory and tarnished legacy of such wealth.
Ana Violeta's use of abstract forms and fragmented compositions reflects the chaotic and sometimes absurd nature of economic systems built on outdated wealth. Through "Old Funny Money," Ana Violeta invites viewers to reflect on the implications of such financial structures and the social dynamics they perpetuate in Tijuana. This piece stands as a colorful critique of the lasting impact of historical wealth, urging a reconsideration of values in contemporary society.