The painter's task is not to try to satisfy the expectations of the spectators. On the contrary, one of its many aspirations is to reveal that conclusions that are emotionally and intellectually rewarding create comfort zones that are alien to human experience. The absurd, the grotesque, the irrational, are concepts that cannot be ignored when confronted with one of the most enigmatic human mysteries, in the words of Dechêne, “the unfinished, eternal and incomplete nature of being”.
My paintings, composed of recognizable signs, behave as a construction of contradictory meanings that try to demolish at the outset any obvious meanings. It is like the dismantling of a conspiracy, in which we are apparently provided with a prior official explanation but in which, over time, we are confronted with consecutive inconsistencies that lead to the questioning of that initial explanation. Contrary to a conspiracy plot, in which the existence of a "true" explanation to be discovered is assumed, in the case of my paintings this final truth does not exist.