Mulieres Salernitanae - medical practitioners who studied, practiced and taught at The Schola Medica Salernitana in Salerno, Italy.(center) Trota (12th):... Read More
Mulieres Salernitanae - medical practitioners who studied, practiced and taught at The Schola Medica Salernitana in Salerno, Italy.(center) Trota (12th): health practitioners, midwife, author of the “Trotula”, texts on women’s health.(upper left) Constanza Calenda (14th) eye surgeon and author. (upper right) Rebecca Guarna (12th) authored medical manuscripts on urine analysis, fevers, and embryos. (lower left) Mercuriade (14th) authored manuscripts on pestilent fever and curing wounds.(lower right) Abella (14th) specialized in embryology and published on black bile and seminal fluids.
Other view #1 is the work installed in solo show.
Other view #2 is the painting of Constanza Calenda.