Title- looted (series)A Yoruba proverb says, ti ewe ba pe lara ose, yio di ose. Meaning that, if soap is... Read More
Title- looted (series)
A Yoruba proverb says, ti ewe ba pe lara ose, yio di ose. Meaning that, if soap is mixed with leave, the leave will eventually become a soap. Literally, it is saying that, what ever or where ever you think you are over time, becomes who you are.
Our ancestral artifacts have stayed too long from home where they’re supposed to be ,with the right people,the right music, dance and costume.
A mask becomes lifeless if and when displayed in a glass cage in a museum but comes to life when it’s seen with the right people, costume , music and dance ;This is one of our looted artifacts that haven’t been returned