In this painting I focused on a 'flow of thoughts', flow of concepts that runs in a precise direction and, like a river, he creates loops, slowdowns, stratifications. And like rivers flow in a ground, so thoughts emerge from a much denser and solid field.
One single thought is so swift and lightning-fast in its appearing that it pierces the mind like a flash of light and as such I wanted to paint it. The structure of the thoughts, instead, the concepts of which it is composed, are more clearly visible when the speed slows down, when the flow dwells in loops, when it lingers on the margins. A thought can be seen more clearly when it marks the solid terrain from which it emerges, when, from an initially undefined field of background mental activity it gradually emerges and becomes more precise.
In this painting I used white, platinum and gold to indicate the brightness of the flash of the flow of thouthts when they run fast, when the current is strong and drives, instead I chose mica pigment to represent the solid ground from which the thoughts emerge, the context in which they get formed.