The painting represents underwater golden tree in tiny vornerable,
environment that most people are not aware and can't or have no chance to see
it in live. Tree is trying to
defy all weather inconveniences. It is one of
the paintings from serie Underwater.
With her paintings and projects Karmen
tries to draw attention to
sensitive water ecosystems, that with just small not aware interventions can
disappear forever. She says she has a privilege and possibility to dive on her
own, see and experience all this underwater beauty in live with her eyes and
feelings. Sometimes are incredible experiences with so much life there under,
that we still know very little. She uses her abstract art to express her view
on preserving water environments, that are crucial for surviving of us as first
intelligent inhabitants of this planet. We need to preserve them for all species
that we live with. Clear water today is not self-evident fact anymore. Painting
is made in acrylic technique, with a lot of small details in golden, silver and
bronze colours. They reflects as reflects underwater world in details itself. Karmen
likes to paint small tiny, sensitive details that comes out as tiny lines and transparent
plants or animals that we still don’t know how they live. All floats in organic
shapes in blue green space, as the basic colour is aquamarine like water in our
oceans. Majority water plants thrive in the most polluted areas and not so deep
in the water itself. They need air and light to produce chlorophyll colorfull
sensitive structures. It is very colorfull environment that brings out magical
structures and colours with reflections. She tries to paint this sensitive
structures as she sees them when she dives or swims. She uses her abstract art
to present this images to all spectators and to bring them closer in paintings
and then later in films. First she paints her
paintings and then tries to find same environment in live that fits with same
concept. Then she makes images with camera and edit all in one project as film,
with her own electronic music. She tries to bring this environments and
habitats closer to everyone, that each one will do his best to admire it even
more and discover something that still waits to be discovered. She says she always
finds new inspirations, structures, details, colours and connections that surprises
her again and again for new infinite projects.