The technique involves layering, thin layers of acrylic paint washes along with all paint for Realistic qualities and linear line work for more detail
20000.00 €
Material: A mixed media painting. It consist of acrylic paint as the base, oil, paint
This Image is a depiction of the moment in time where the stress of Jesus in the garden of the... Read More
This Image is a depiction of the moment in time where the stress of Jesus in the garden of the Gethsemane was so high right before he was going to be arrested that he started to sweat as it were great drops of blood. And I wanted to show his agony, his passion, and the fight in his love to surrender to what he was about to go through to redeem humanity on the cross. Of course Jesus Christ is the main focal point and he is surrounded by six olive trees, olives below his head, and by his hand, as well as his three disciples that he called with him to come watch and pray that at this moment fell asleep because of their sorrow.