Material: Acrylics ,Elastomeric and household paints,Stretcher bar
Another Surfaceless Painting, hung on strecher bars from the Alienation Series. Twenty-five years ago, an idea struck as I witnessed... Read More
Surfaceless Painting, hung on strecher bars from the Alienation Series.
years ago, an idea struck as I witnessed the mesmerizing power of dried
expansive patches of household gloss paint being peeled from the studio’s
nylon-covered floor. It was then that I embarked on a journey into the realm of
Surfaceless Painting.
Realizing that
painting surpasses the need for a canvas or any surface, I delved into the
liberating concept of painting directly onto paint itself. Freed from spatial
constraints, I discovered the boundless potential of this approach, utilizing
the raw physicality of the paint material. No longer confined to predetermined
areas, I allowed the paint to dictate its own form, creating dynamic interplays
between foreground, background, and negative space.
painting unlocks a further dimension of my artistic expression. It is a
testament to the limitless possibilities inherent in the creative process of
painting. Thus, it seems that the more I push my art differently the more alien
my art becomes. Such is the price for doing things differently.