« Nous sommes
un fragment de vie nourri par des fragments de villes »
"We are a life's fragment fed by cities' fragments."
Contrary to a homogenous system, each city is a unique
species. A set of architectural pieces from different periods that juxtapose
and collide to formulate the epigenetic program of the urban space.
Our memory combined with the building art, our spatial
experience and our capacity ot take ownership of spaces is defined according to
the mounting of architectural artefacts, environment fragments because we
define them as spaces with an historical, scientific or even emotional
interest. A space that is more or less important for something, opposed to
everything. As Chawki Abdelamir said : “When time stops is becomes site. This
way we take and collect throughout our life a series if architecturals figures
coming from different urban identitie.
The artworks are composed with an inclination
expressing that even if the architectural writings come from different periods,
the vision stays the same formulating an architectural utopia or an urban
ideal. The inverted perspective makes it possible to evoke architecture in its
relationship with heaven and earth. It permits to generate suspended elements (
timeless fragments) where the void give complementary strenght to the full.
Each artwork follows the same process. They are done
free handed to the naked eye, using the traitillism technique combined with
architectural codes. (1m2 = 300,000 lines). Each line is imbued with a breath,
breathing life into an inspiration expressing a treaty defining the components,
the notes of an architectural score.
global composition of the masterpiece represents 13 fragments defining a cross
with 12 tips referring to the Chacana cross. Chacana embodies a comprehensive
understanding of the world around us, with clear principles related to the
perception and representation of Time and Space.
hole in the center of the Chacana symbolizes our unity with the universe and
our connection to the world in heaven and earth. This hole is the axis mundi,
world axis or pillar of the world, symbolized in this case by the earth
encompassing life (engraved with the acronym PIE and the continuation of
The cross expresses
the spirit of the crossroads. It is at the crossroads that the memories
collected since our birth become one (hence the work in the belly representing
the origin of the architectural path that we formulated). The crossroads
recalls the notion of travel, which we synthesize to put them in opposition. It
is this crossroads that pushes us to contemplate and face the need to choose
the immensity of destiny. It is the matrix of the fusion or separation of our
memories where these fragments retrace the path that we have traced so far
allowing us to define our next meeting or our future farewell.