When it comes to the summer sky, it must be the primary colour of the sky after the rainy season. The hottest period is July, when the sound of robins accompanies the fire-like air, as if everything were fire. Bashra says, "We believe that this inner, wrapped, preserved and possessed heat, that is, that good digestion in the unconscious, must exist within matter or, as the alchemists say, in the belly of metal, as a hidden invisible fire." shows that the substance of fire is not only visible, but can also be felt mentally. In my paintings there are various forms of fire, fire on the stove, fire in the air or the essence of fire burning out of the cooker. As Bashra describes, "When I chew a hot honeycomb cake in my mouth, I am eating fire, the essence of fire, the taste of fire, and even the crackling of fire." But it is not only the element of fire that is in the picture, there are symbolic bodies of the other three elements: clouds, wind, trees, houses, rivers, people, etc. It is a picture that actually exists even when it does not; it is the element of fire in me.