Fallen Suns serie positions the viewer in front of a kind of "window" with the negative form of a cuban lattice, where ruined urban landscapes of different societies are discovered.
Engineers of Souls was inspired by a landscape where the prefabricated cemetery lying on the mountain completes the landscape of thousands of inhabitants who still live in the large socialist buildings that remain in the city.
For Stalin, artists were his engineers of souls, his tools for indoctrination through culture. Ruin would come to our "socialist" societies (i come from Cuba) with this radicalisation and political centralisation of thought! Everything that does not respond to the political objectives of this system will be repressed and censored, even to the point of death.
The engineer of souls is close to my heart, for I grew up under these doctrines, which today haunt me even in voluntary exile. Curiously enough, my path will always be marked by this relationship with the socialism from which I flee; I will never be able to see the world through any other filter than that of my prefabricated lattices of the constructive Girón and Sandino models. They will always be in the middle of me and my new landscape in a new social system.