The submitted paintings are numbered 1 to 7 under the thematic name Ex Tenebris Lux, meaning in english Out of darkness, Light. This number III is subtitled Wow.
Paraphrasing Einstein, the emergence of light out of darkness could be called a cosmological constant. In the last century, the lights of our human collective intelligence have answered the fondamental questions of why is there something rather than nothing, and is there a meaning to life. Basically, everything is light out of darkness.
Indeed, we know now that, thanks to the "quantic energy of emptiness", all the energy of our cosmos emerged out of the darkness of nothingness in the event named the Big Bang. That energy, light in its purest form, was originaly opaque. A few hundred millions years later in the era of recombination, the lights of the first stars illuminated the cosmos. Jump a few billion years and the neuronic lights of consciouness emerged out of, mostly, dark matter. From its birth, humanity have been strugling to shed lights over the frightening mysteries of the night and of the world. Finally, in a summit of cosmic evolution, the search for love and enlightment is fondamentaly inscribed in the dna of every human being.
In abstract painting, I like to play with this concept, working with darkness, colors, textures and reflexions, struggling to liberate the lights of my imagination out of the fuzziness and darkness of my subconscious.