Even in the United States, democracy wears blue. Although
ironically blue is the color of the Republican party. Unlike in Asia (work #
1), democracy in America is much more disordered and imperfect. The balls are
not heavy like the Asian ones but very light, in fact internally they are made of
polystyrene. Aside from a very neat first baseline, the rest of the balls are
messy and vary in size. The base on which these balls rest is also imperfect
and full of growths. But this diversity is its richness and its guarantee of
longevity. As long as there is freedom of expression and dissidence, any attempt
to manage power according to other forms of government, other than the
democratic one, will be overcome. This painting was created many months before
the US elections, almost as a premonitory of their outcome. A whirlwind of balls
envelops the yellow ball and goes further, meaning that this strange phenomenon is
already over and that the seeds of democracy (the smallest dots) are already
far beyond the yellow ball.