Brambles is a brand new work on oil on paper. The tiny and intertwined leaflets of bramble fill the surface of the painting as if they create a wall of separation. The rich and elaborate surface acts as a curtain, leaving no branches or stems to be seen, but only the hum of the dense vegetal stratification that occurs in a regular arrangement from top to bottom. Color takes us back to a level completely far from reality: minimal variations of warm and cold grays, blues and pearly whites, light glazes and layers of color bring the narrative back to a conceptual and philosophical level, in which the choice of the bramble plant is meant to allude to the most complex and cruel aspects hidden in natural elements. Beyond the refined greyish colors, this inlaid voile of apparently harmless leaves stands in front of us, like a separation between ‘here and ‘there’, an obstacle to face and overtake, a new dimension to discover.