Title: Blueberry WomanArtist: Dobson, JohnCreated: 2014Materials: Acrylic on Vinyl mounted on foam - UnframedMovement: OneArtCondition: ExcellentSize: 6" X 8" (Tiny but Mighty)Location: Artist's Private EstatePrice: $36,000.00Description: A female... Read More
Title: Blueberry WomanArtist: Dobson, JohnCreated: 2014Materials: Acrylic on Vinyl mounted on foam - UnframedMovement: OneArtCondition: ExcellentSize: 6" X 8" (Tiny but Mighty)Location: Artist's Private EstatePrice: $36,000.00Description: A female nude torso painting in blues, with brightly colored dots in the background.Artist Remarks: This is an OneArt Nude/Color Translation painting. She is painted standing proud as a woman. Her image is purposely painted architecturally, rather than soft or fragile. Her curves grant her her own beauty, yet she is painted blue to indicate a sadness of mood. She projects an acute awareness of her own self worth, but also feelings of uncertainty concerning her future. She knows she can be more. She also realizes that she needs to take the time to think it all through. It's OK to be blue. It's a time of great introspect. It's a time to reflect back on where you've been, and to grow your thoughts through to the future. The colorful background of dots within dots, is really my very first attempt at painting a color translation. It translates as follows: Blueberry woman do not be sad. You are more than you have ever dreamed. God has made you a sacred vessel of life. Do not be afraid. Be love.