bathroom is an environment conducive to intimate questioning and to the way one
looks at oneself, one’s body and one’s image, and that is why I wanted to make
it the subject of a series.
As with the
other works of the series "Behind the Obvious", the tube assembly
combined with the light of the LED makes the mirror the main element of this
In this
painting, I wanted to talk about the difference… that of ethnic origin. Thus,
we discover two philosophies of life, one carried by the character on the left,
the other by the one on the right.
expression of the first face reflects his inability to overcome this
stigmatizing place in which society tends to enclose him and which, as a
result, prevents him from knowing happiness… The second character, embodying
the very expression of fullness, shows that, in spite of the same trials, it is
possible to overcome clichés and to make, of one's difference, an unalterable
force. He agrees with himself, and has nothing to envy to those who follow a
life all smooth and all traced, in the image of this character who wears a
t-shirt whose message seems to escape him…