A girl .... innocently in childhood thinking about her future in that country, the country is full of traditions and customs that are outdated and deceptive and false, calling for the freedom of women but at the same time a manly society of the first degree .... it is our Arab country
paintings are the result, in pictures, of a socio-anthropological sperforms on the figure of women in the Arab world in order to subvert ancient and obsolete cultural paradigms whose sole purpose is to diminish their value in society. Through the use of charcoal on the canvas, i draw female figures in a context that, through iconographic attributes, projects them in a precise setting of time space as well as photographic shots. The intensity of black contrasts with the white candor of the canvas, to emphasize the evocative power of color that translates a condition of sad reality, dark and introverted, but with the purpose of illuminating