5 Elements. Everything in nature is made up of the Five Sacred Elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space. These... Read More
5 Elements. Everything in nature is made up of the Five Sacred Elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space. These energies “throw together” all of creation and has affected human transformation. This is intended as an explanation of the complexity of nature and all matter by breaking it down into simpler substances. Understanding of five elements of nature can help understand the laws of nature and to use this knowledge to achieve greater health and happiness.
In the basis of Tibetan tradition five elements are the Five Pure Lights. Everything is illusory, since the basis never displays as anything other than the five lights. When a neutral awareness recognized the lights as its own display, then that was Samantabhadra (immediate liberation without the performance of virtue). The Five Pure Lights are essentially the Five Wisdoms and the Five Buddhas, if we recognize their purity…
Earth is the densest of the five elements. Earth provides stable environment from which all life, as we know it, springs, lives and thrives. Earth is our foundation of all things. Earth receives the “seeds” of all other Elements and, in turn, gifts us with abundance. Earth gives us grounding and support, a sense of reality, productivity and the capacity to turn nearly everything it touches into something tangible. The correct balance of the Earth element makes a person even, strong and direct, gives calm and confidence.