“Cupid and Psyche” is a tribute to the homonymous sculpture from Canova. However this installation is not only a representation of Ovid´s Metamorphoses, but an example of how the feminine and the masculine are not just two binary elements, but different expressions of the same thing, mutually holding and supporting each other in order to exist. The work became part of the surrounding, in symbiosis with the vegetation, giving shelter to a family of earwigs for copule of months. The Sculpture is made of two different types of wood and two different elements , a root and a trunk of a tree that have been found on the site ( The Garden of the Kunsthochschule Berlin weißensee). After minimally intervening on the shape of the wood, I have installed the sculpture on the same site where the pieces has been found. I made a metal structure that could hold the sculpture as if it would be floating in the air, which can be also interpreted like a single piece, a hip, suspended by two legs. I have woven the vegetation which was already there on the site, guiding the process of change... after couple of months the vegetation grew and blossomed, giving and hosting life to insects around and inside of a sculpture in constant transformation, creating a symbiotic dialogue within the environment.