About this work:
in this
picture I combined the photograph of this room in an old, almost demolished
house with this vibrant colorful vegetation. The walls reveal many layers of
past lifes lived in these rooms. Layers of color and wallpaper are peeling off
the walls. The plants seem to grow out of being a wall paper pattern into wild
vegetation taking over the room. There is one door that leads into the light
and one that goes into the darkness – but ether way you can not see where it
ends and what is there to come if you go thru this door…
About my
work in general:
I question our world and our view of it. The conditio humana - the nature of
man and the human being as creator and destroyer is crucial in most of my
works. Due to the inhomogeneity of the used pictorial elements I create new
thematic references. In my collages, I combine various photographs of nature,
architecture with painted fragments and structures. Time and space, new and
old, overlap both in form and substance. I create mysterious and atmospheric
scenes that leave room for the viewers own interpretations and associations.
About my technique and Material:
With my specially developed technique, I transfer the digital artwork into an
original work in which the haptic materiality plays a major role. In a complex
process the artwork is printed on a canvas which is covered completely with
leaf silver and then poured into epoxy resin. This gives the works an optical
depth and a special quality of the surface. The silver in the background makes
the colors shine from the inside out - so the pictures have a different
appearance from every angle.