The principle of evolution is built in a spiral. As long as consciousness moves in a circle and movement is closed by it, progress is impossible. But as soon as the movement of consciousness becomes spiral, the circle is open, and each revolution of the spiral gives new accumulations and denotes an ascent.
This is movement!
The Law of Evolution is closely related to the Law of the spiral.
The main principle of the Law of the Spiral is that development occurs in a spiral, manifesting itself from lower forms to more perfect forms, if this movement is evolutionary, and vice versa, if it is involutionary, it moves in a spiral downward.
I am trying to show this movement; what lies ahead is unknown, it depends on us: what will be our future, what will be the next round - along the upward or downward wave of the spiral. Thus, we lose something and gain something.
With my work, I invite the viewers to interpret what they see on the canvas for themselves: just a spiral and a circle, or maybe something else.
The movement of the spiral is duplicated by the shadow due to the lighting, adding a new line and a play of shadows. The composition and movement of the spiral, if desired, can be changed by moving it along the entire field of the canvas.
To do this, you need to slowly move the end point of the spiral to the right, left or down, in order for a new composition, a new movement to appear.