“Painting with wool”
The main inspiration of this cycle was my deep observetion and experimentation through the colour spectrum. I was also provoked by the paintings of my painting teacher Vihroni Popnedelev with their sparking colours, dancing onto the canvases.
The creation process started with oil crayons. I was drawing randomly composed abstract miniatures, just enjoying putting one colour next to another and the dialogue between the colours through this process. After a year i was already made hundreds of those abstract miniatures. Same year i started to study the felt textile techniques and i found that if I dye raw natural wool in colour harmony and "paint" with it an abstraction, i feel the same pleasure and experience like i had with oil pastels. But there was one additional advantage of the felt techniques - painting with raw dyed wool provides the opportunity to combine colours that I can't mix with oil paint or oil pastels. In addition fibers of the wool absorbs very deeply into their structure the colour pigment and provides bright high quality colours.
So this was the beginning of my journey into creating those abstract peaces - I dyed the raw wool into colourful "flames", colours generated by my senses and i "painted" with them in natural rythm.
In the creation process i wasn't thinking about the visual side of the work, or any other academic aspect of creating abstract painting. Instead I directly connect the material through the "experience of the colours"(as Romyana Pankova said in one of her lectures). Through this creation journey i even didn't look at the work from enough distance for panoramic look, I was just randomly painting, rotating around my imaginary canvases.
I present my final peaces both onto canvases or just directly put on a wall, visually depending of the gallery space and style. This is not important for my concept - it doesn't matter if the canvases are there or they are imaginary or they are not there at all.
I invite you to feel my experience through observing those abstract peaces because as Wassily Kandinsky said "Colour directly influences the soul. Colour is a keyboard, the eyes are the hammers, the soul is the piano with many strings. The artist is the hand that plays, touching one key or another purposely to cause vibration in the soul."