Born from the common idea of 2
architects established in Fribourg and Bern,
eblaborated with raw material stem from
Swiss and France,
the Moitié-Moitié lamps are the fruit
of the marriage between wood and concrete,
a minimalist ray of light between
a base and his lampshade.
Entirely made by hand,
each of the pieces is numbered and has a
unique character,
given by the natural veinage of the wood
and the individual casting process of the concrete.
With the leitmotiv that everyone
could find the Moitié-Moitié that suits him,
the conception of the lamps is in close
collaboration with the needs and tastes of everyone.
Types of models available :
- 2 sizes : 15x15x30 (on a table) &
20x20x40 (on the floor)
- 5 varieties of wood (cherry, walnut,
oak, chesnut, maple)
- 3 buttons (simple toggle switch, foot
switch : wood or concrete)
In collaboration with Elias