These 7 plates are part of the Familia Cenas installation. MM obtained them by migrating the floor of the Siena Cathedral. The latter gradually moves from a postcard to transcriptions with Posca, finally returning to a telluric medium: ceramics. The Seven Ages of Man by Antonio Federighi (1444-1490) establish new relationships. Emerging from the ground, the image returns to its concreteness, following a circular logic that interweaves our main meanings of the earth: floor, nourishment, then growth and death. A recollection of Pop Art colludes with old-time craftsmanship.
Each plate is produced in a maximum of 7 pieces, numbred and signed.
Price refers to the plate per unit, with a pedestal. The set of 7 assorted plates costs 700€. Done in a French workshop mastering the sublimation technique, the plates may be intended for alimentary purposes.