Bugs are bound to be the food of the future- but some people find the thought of it to be absolutely repulsive!
"DEBUG yourself" is a chocolate bonbonniere that raises a flag about this problem- and deals with the mental and psychological barriers of the western world with all that relates to eating bugs.
The predictions about the 2050 food crisis are well known by now, and as for now, bugs are suggested as the best solution for this future issue. Nevertheless, it seems that most of the population still has a problem with just the thought of eating bugs- even if they can’t actually see them (like with cricket flour).
"DEBUG yourself" is a suggestion for a solution to this great problem in the form of a chocolate bonbonniere that will help in the process of adjusting to eating bugs. Every chocolate in the package imitates different aspect in the experience of eating bugs- texture, feel, taste, appearance etc, based on anthropological research as well as interviews and personal research. All of the chocolates except for one does not contain actual bugs, but creates the feeling as if you were eating one.
Each bite will be tasty, but with a twist that will make you face one of your fears, also revealing what kind of bug you dealt with. The attached brochure will give you the added information of nutritional values for each bug, and the design of the chocolate shapes as well as the packaging, draws a thin line between the world of chocolate bonbonnieres to the world of bugs and bugs-preserving.
“DEBUG” doesn’t deal with what the food of the future will be, but with the profound and concrete question of how we’re going to make the solution viable, meaning: how do we overcome the mental and psychological barriers that relate to eating bugs?- and uses the combination of design and food to do so.