felt and mixed-media artist Susanne Weber is a studied biologist and has her
own medical translation business. For a
very long time in her life, making art was not of the vital importance it is nowadays because she had been totally discouraged by an art
teacher during at school. However, later on she became fascinated by
creating pictures and sculptures with fibers. She will never forget the cold winter morning in
2014 when she started felting with just a book for reference and had been instantly
hooked. From the beginning, working in 2D and exploring
the endless options of colours and textures were her favourite subjects, and
she ist still keen to try new and exciting techniques.
art is regularly featured in international magazines and at exhibitions, and in
Autumn 2017 some of her works were shortlisted out of 2000+ entries in the
Wraptious Design Competition, UK.
2018, the gallery ‘Polyphoner Oikos‘ in the City of Vienna, Austria, hosted her
first solo exhibition ‘…mit Wolle gemalt‘.
2019, 'You are Me‘ was selected for #BeJane – an exclusive charity exhibition
and auction of international artwork in Vienna to mark the 85th birthday of Dr.
Jane Goodall.
2021, the solo exhibition ‘A Dream of Light and Fibres‘ was shown online during
the Textile Art Berlin Event and as live exhibition in Vienna.
2016 to 2019, Susanne was involved in the organisation of the annual Vienna
Felting Festival.
taking some mixed-media art classes to improve her skills, Susanne finally
discovered her love for pastels. Since then, she has been taking live and
online classes with internationally renowned teachers in both subjects.
with her husband and lots of cats, Susanne lives partly in Vienna and partly in
a wild rose garden in Lower Austria.